Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday & Tuesday

Monday 3/15

On Monday, we went to Richmond, California to work with a company known as ACCE (Alliance of Californians for Community Empowerment). This group is the group in Cali that has replaced ACORN. We were given a presentation about community organizing, and its power and effectiveness. Participants were not real excited about soliciting community members to find out what issues were plaguing them, but once the group understood the bigger picture (how effective community organizing and planning can be), the group really challenged themselves to work for a promising effort and break out of their shells. Many students did not expect this to be part of our itinerary, but our guide, Mr. Vernel Crittendon was really helpful in explaining the importance and relevance to the criminal/justice system. Group members have really began to bond and are really enjoying what San Francisco has to offer. We spent the night exploring Fisherman's Wharf and saw some awesome things!

On Tuesday, we got to meet with a Probation Director, Probation Chief, and a Probation Community Organizer. This meeting was EXTREMELY interesting and very engaging. We learned what the Alameda County government has implemented to help juveniles through these tough times in their lives. We also learned how good the care is within these juvenile facilities. Many teens commit crimes, so they can receive the care and health benefits they need to survive. Tony Creary, the community organizer, had some really insightful comments about how important it is to get the community involved in making a change, and this linked greatly to our activities with ACCE yesterday. Tomorrow, we get to witness a juvenile facility first hand, and the students are very excited about that. After lunch, we had a very emotional, and passionate reflection session. One goal of the trip is to challenge yourselves, your attitudes, your beliefs, and the way you think. The goal is not to change the way you think and feel, but to force you to express and analyze why you feel a certain way. The group really challenged each other today on the issue of racism. I watched and listened to a very passionate group of people exchange ideas today. Being a role model can really benefit the troubled youth of our society, and it really starts with programs like ASB and students like the one on this trip.

After our reflection, we headed to Muir Woods to see the gigantic redwood trees. The students had a great time today...


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